Monday, August 17, 2015

MUJI influenced by Bauhaus

The Bauhaus principle influenced many brands in today's society, Muji is one of them.


Japanese retail company, Muji which sells a wide variety of household and consumer goods.Muji is distinguished by its design minimalism, emphasis on recycling, avoidance of waste in production and packaging, and no-logo or "no-brand" policy.

Muji's no-brand strategy means that little money is spent on advertisement or classical marketing, and Muji's success is attributed to word of mouth, a simple shopping experience and the anti-brand movement. Muji's no-brand strategy also means its products are attractive to customers who prefer unbranded products for aesthetic reasons, and because it provides an alternative to traditional branded products.

Muji in Japanese means no pattern, it is known for its distinctive design, commentators have described Muji’s design style as minimalist and as Bauhaus style. 

The resulting products are streamlined, environmentally friendly, and beautiful in their simplicity. Muji was emphasized on innovative and simple materials, processes, and packaging. Recycling and avoid waste in packaging and production, all products sell in simple packaging bearing only product-related information and a price tag. 

"The reasons why our bathrooms are so complicated and messy is because all of these brands want to promote their own product by making it very colorful and desirable—everyone has a priority to stand out." Shimazaki,president of Muji USA says about the visual clutter from packaging. "Muji design is very basic," Shimazaki says. "Nothing stands out so you can continue to add to your home."

Muji has managed to translate the Bauhaus principles into a minimalist, contemporary design language that considers the end consumer at its core. It is pretty impressive how diligently Muji sticks to its principles of simplicity and ecological awareness. No matter what field they expand into, the no-brand essence never gets diluted. 


i) Lofter(2015) 'Looking for future brand packaging design trend from Muji and Bauhaus', [ Lim K.R] Available at: (Accessed: 28 June 2015)

ii) MUJI ‘Manufactured by THONET’. Available at: (Accessed:2 August 2015)

iii)Diana.B(2015) 'Muji is not Trend: Hoe design fuels Muji's growth', Fastcodesign, 17 August. Available at:  (Accessed: 17 August 2015)

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